Determine the peak value of the applied voltage and the current if the ac source is to deliver the same power to the load.

330 Views Posted: 3 years
Solved, Closed

The 120-V dc source of Fig. 1(a) delivers 3.6 W to the load. Determine the peak value of the applied voltage (Em) and the current (Im) if the ac source Fig. 1(b) is to deliver the same power to the load.

2021-10-29 12:50:43
3 Answers
$$P_{dc} = {V_{dc} I_{dc}}\\I_{dc} ={ P_{dc} \over V_{dc} } = {3.6W \over 120 V} = 30mA\\I_m = 1.414 I_{dc}\\ I_m = 1.414(30mA)\\ = 42.42mA\\$$
$$E_m = 1.414 E_{dc} = 1.414 (120) = 169.6V$$

2021-10-29 12:59:39
$$P_{dc} = {V_{dc} I_{dc}}\\I_{dc} ={ P_{dc} \over V_{dc} } = {3.6W \over 120 V} = 30mA\\I_m = 1.414 I_{dc}\\ I_m = 1.414(30mA)\\ = 42.42mA\\$$
$$E_m = 1.414 E_{dc} = 1.414 (120) = 169.6V$$

2021-10-29 13:02:11
$$P_{dc} = {V_{dc} I_{dc}}\\I_{dc} ={ P_{dc} \over V_{dc} } = {3.6W \over 120 V} = 30mA\\I_m = 1.414 I_{dc}\\ I_m = 1.414(30mA)\\ = 42.42mA\\$$
$$E_m = 1.414 E_{dc} = 1.414 (120) = 169.6V$$

2021-10-29 13:06:19

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